We believe that making music together is what it’s all about! Music is meant to be shared and enjoyed together – our group classes for kids and adults provide just that! A fun, relaxed learning environment to help you find your groove! From beginner budding musicians to adults looking to jam with like minded community members, our group sessions are a great way to introduce your child to music or an amazing compliment to private study. Group classes take place at our studio locations around the city of Philadelphia. Below are this season’s classes – we can’t wait to start bringing music to life with you!
Groove With Us!
Kids Ages 4 – 11 enrolled in Old Pine AfterCare
Starting September 2024
Keeping music fun and convenient! If your child in enrolled in Old Pine’s School Year Aftercare program, they will enjoy group music class once per month when they’ll learn the basics of rhythm, melody, music notation, and voice use!
Starting this year, Old Pine Aftercare students will be able to sign up for 1 – on – 1 private lessons in voice or piano DURING aftercare between 3 – 5 PM! Our Teacher will bring them from the aftercare room to the music room at their lesson time and drop them back off at aftercare when they’re finished! Slots are limited so reach out before they fill up for September 2024!
We customize both the group class and the private lesson to the individuals in the class. No prior music skill or experience is needed to take advantage of this awesome partnership offering between New Groove and Old Pine Community Center!
To receive the dual enrollment pricing and get details on what lesson times are available, schedule a consultation call and be sure to mention you’re inquiring specifically about the Old Pine Aftercare lesson slots. The slots are all first come first serve!
Schedule a call using one of the two buttons below ⬇️
Classes Run July 2nd – Aug 12, 2024
All kids enrolled in a summer camp at one of the above Rec Centers are invited to attend our music classes!
Interested in learning more about the above classes, reach out to your rec center leader for details or schedule a consultation call with us for more details using one of the two buttons below ⬇️
New Groove Music Studio specializes in reinvigorating music lessons for kids! We have several in-studio locations in Philly and Bucks County and we also teach in-home and virtually. We teach all skill levels, all ages and most instruments. Let’s start making music together!
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